King Carlos Coffee

King Carlos Coffee is a wholesale distributor of roasted coffee and products. They have branched out to offer retail single origin coffee to the public, as well as a concept espresso bar and cocktail lounge. A rebrand was required to better communicate their new offerings and modernise their brand.

The goal for this case was to provide a well received overarching brand, versatile enough to accomodate for both current and future arms of the business.

Communication Points
Authentic specialty coffee purveyors
Strong, bold industry leader
Confident taste specialists

Brand strategy
Marketing automation
UX / Web Development
Social media design
Packaging design
Print and signage

The rebrand received fantastic feedback from both focus groups during the testing phase, and from consumers once rolled out. The update has been rolled consistently across all media; including video content, social media advertising and packaging – and continues to do so over five years since the rebrand.


BPM Talent

